Sunday, June 14, 2009
Setem Muzium Kesenian Islam (Kubah Utama)

Kelahiran tamadun Islam sebagai salah satu tamadun yang terunggul dalam umat manusia adalah satu realiti yang sentiasa mendapat perhatian dunia. Hasil warisan dan budaya peninggalan seniman tamadun ini banyak memberi pengajaran dan kefahaman sejarah Islam itu sendiri.
Diilhamkan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia, YAB Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammad, muzium ini adalah satu-satunya muzium seumpamanya di rantau Asia Pasifik yang dibina khas untuk melestarikan artifak Islam ini di bawah satu bumbung.
Ia akan memainkan peranan sebagai "Penyimpan, Pembaik Pulih, Pemelihara dan Pendidik" kesenian Islam agar generasi alaf baru tidak terangsang
Keluasan kawasan pameran meliputi 270,00 kaki persegi yang merentangiempat aras dikhaskanuntuk artifak di pameran utama dan juga dua galeri khas serta kemudahan-kemudahan lain.
Artifak yang dikumpul dipamerkan mengikut beberapa tema. Antaranya ialah Kesenian Masjid yang memberi tumpuan kepada mihrab dan mimbar. Antara replika yang dipamerkan dimuzium ini ialah Taj Mahal, Masjid dan Muzium Imam Ismail Al-Bukhari dan Makam Amir Timur.
Setem Permainan Tradisional Layang-layang

Permainan layang-layang, juga dikenali dengan nama wau merupakan satu aktiviti menerbangkan layang-layang tersebut di udara. Perkataan “wau” dikatakan berasal dari perkataan kerajaan Melayu Pattani (Thai) memandangkan negeri seperti Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis dan Kedah menggunakan perkataan tersebut.
Perkataan layang-layang pula digunakan di kebanyakan negeri-negeri seperti di pantai barat dan selatan Semenanjung Malaysia seperti Selangor, Melaka dan Johor. Ini dapat dibuktikan menerusi catatan Tun Seri Lanang yang menyatakan bahawa Raja Ahmad bermain layang-layang bersama pemuda-pemuda serta kerabat DiRaja. Selain itu kemunculan nama wau juga dikaitkan bunyi yang terhasil daripada busur yang diikat pada wau. Apabila dinaikkan ke udara, daun ibus yang dipasang pada busur tersebut akan menghasilkan bunyi "wau" secara berirama.
Permainan wau diadakan sebagai hiburan untuk pelbagai peringkat umur. Permainan wau juga diadakan untuk pertandingan. Pertandingan yang melihat bentuk kecantikannya diukur dari segi keindahannya kepada bentuk, corak ciptaan, warna, keaslian ciptaan dan ukurannya.
Setem Parthenos Sylvia Lilacinus

The Clipper (Parthenos sylvia) is a species of nymphalid butterfly found in South and South-East Asia. It is species found mostly in forested areas. The Clipper is a fast flying butterfly and has a habit of flying with its wings flapped stiffly between the horizontal position and a few degrees below the horizontal. It may glide between spurts of flapping.
Male and female. Upperside : ground-colour a bright bronze-green, the subhyaline white spots near the apex of cell in the fore wing more opaque, the broad discal band of large white spots proportionately more basal further from the termen and very irregular, the spots, especially towards the hinder part of the wing, more widely separated, the spot in interspace 5 more acutely triangular and smaller, the two spots above shifted obliquely inwards towards the costa, making the outer margin of the discal band angulate at interspaces 5 and 6. Hind wing: the postdiscal and sub-terminal markings broader and more diffuse than in P. gambrisius, giving a dark shade to the whole of the apical half of the wing. Underside pale greenish grey. Fore wing: the spots and markings except the basal black streaks as on the upperside, the groundcolour fading to an ashy grey towards the terminal margin. Hind wing similar to the underside of hind wing of P. gambrisius, but the discal transverse sinuous black line very broken and incomplete, the postdiscal, subterminal and terminal black markings somewhat better denned. Antennae black; head, thorax and abdomen bronze green, barred with black above ; beneath whitish.
Larva. Cylindrical; head and anal segment with short simple spines; segments 3 to 12 with longer branched spines, reddish brown in colour, those on 3 and 4 comparatively very long. Colour pale green, with yellowish-white lateral stripes one on each side. Pupa "brown, boat-shaped." (After Davidson & Aitken)
Setem Adenanthera Pavonena (Saga)

Toksin yang terkandung di dalam biji saga mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan sejenis ricin dipanggil abrin. Ia merupakan sejenis dimer yang terdiri daripada dua subunit protein, dinamakan jenis A dan B. Rantaian B berfungsi mengangkut abrin ke dalam sel dengan mengikat kepada beberapa protein pengangkutan ke membran sel, yang kemudian mengangkut toksin tersebut ke dalam sel. sebaik sahaja berada di dalam sel, rantaian A mencegah sintesis protein dengan menyahaktifkan sub-unit 26S di dalam ribosom. Satu molekul abrin boleh menyahaktifkan sehingga 1,500 ribosom sesaat. Tanda-tanda keracunan adalah sama seperti ricin, kecuali dos maut bagi ricin adalah lebih kurang 75 kali ganda daripada dos maut abrin. Abrin boleh membunuh dengan jumlah edaran kurang daripada 3 μg (mikrogram).
Biji saga sangat dihargai sebagai barang kemas asli disebabkan warnanya yang terang. Biji ketiga dengan hilum (kesan pemasangan) berwarna hitam, manakala yang lain pula berwarna merah terang, seolah-olah kumbang kura-kura. Pembuatan barang kemas dengan biji saga adalah berbahaya, dan sudah terdapat kes kematian akibat luka pada jari semasa menebuk biji tersebut untuk dijadikan manik. Walau bagaimanapun, biji saga sudah lama dianggap sebagai simbol cinta di negara China.
Setem Phaeomeria Speciosa

Etlingera elatior (Torch Ginger, Ginger Flower, Red Ginger Lily, Torch Lily, Wild Ginger, Combrang, Bunga Siantan, Philippine Wax Flower, Xiang Bao Jiaing, Indonesian Tall Ginger, Boca de Dragón, Rose de Porcelaine, Porcelain Rose) is a species of herbaceous perennial plant. Botanical synonyms include Nicolaia elatior, Nicolaia speciosa, Phaeomeria speciosa, Alpinia elatior, Alpinia magnifica. The showy pink flowers are used in decorative arrangements while the flower buds are an important ingredient in the Nonya dish laksa. In North Sumatra, the flower buds are used for a dish called arsik ikan mas (Andaliman Peppercorn Spiced Carps)
It is known in Indonesian as bunga kecombrang or honje, Malay as bunga kantan and Thai as kaalaa.
In Karo, it is known as asam cekala (asam meaning 'sour'), and the flower buds, but more importantly the ripe seed pods, which are packed with small black seeds, are an essential ingredient of the Karo version of sayur asam, and are particularly suited to cooking fresh fish.
Sister project Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Etlingera elatior
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Setem Durio Zibethinus@ bunga durian

The durian(pronounced /ˈdʊəriən)is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio and the Malvaceae family (although some taxonomists place Durio in a distinct family, Durionaceae. Widely known and revered in southeast Asia as the "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, unique odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk. The fruit can grow as large as 30 centimetres (12 in) long and 15 centimetres (6 in) in diameter, and it typically weighs one to three kilograms (2 to 7 lb. Its shape ranges from oblong to round, the colour of its husk green to brown, and its flesh pale-yellow to red, depending on the species.

There are 30 recognised Durio species, at least nine of which produce edible fruit. Durio zibethinus is the only species available in the international market: other species are sold in their local regions. There are hundreds of durian cultivars; many consumers express preferences for specific cultivars, which fetch higher prices in the market.
Setem Rhododendron

Rhododendron (from the Greek: rhodos, "rose", and dendron, "tree") is a genus of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae. It is a large genus with over 1000 species and most have showy flower displays. It includes the plants known to gardeners as azaleas. It is the national flower of Nepal.
The Rhododendron is a genus characterized by shrubs and small to (rarely) large trees, the smallest species growing to 10-100 cm tall, and the largest, R. giganteum, reported to over 30 m tall[1]. The leaves are spirally arranged; leaf size can range from 1-2 cm to over 50 cm, exceptionally 100 cm in R. sinogrande. They may be either evergreen or deciduous. In some species the underside of the leaves is covered with scales (lepidote) or hairs (indumentum). Some of the best known species are noted for their many clusters of large flowers. There are alpine species with small flowers and small leaves, and tropical species such as section Vireya that often grow as epiphytes.
Setem Lagerstroemia speciosa

Lagerstroemia speciosa (Giant Crape-myrtle, Queen's Crape-myrtle, Banabá Plant, or Pride of India[1]) is a species of Lagerstroemia native to tropical southern Asia. It is a small to medium-sized tree growing to 20 m tall, with smooth, flaky bark. The leaves are deciduous, oval to elliptic, 8-15 cm long and 3-7 cm broad, with an acute apex. The flowers are produced in erect panicles 20-40 cm long, each flower with six white to purple petals 2-3.5 cm long.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Setem Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah

Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Al-Haj ibni Hisamuddin Alam Shah Al-Haj (March 8, 1926 - November 21, 2001) was the eleventh Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia and eighth Sultan of Selangor.
Born Tengku Abdul Aziz Shah on March 8, 1926 at Istana Bandar Temasya, Kuala Langat, he is the eldest son of Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Alaeddin Sulaiman Shah by his royal consort Tengku Ampuan Raja Jemaah binti Raja Ahmad.
He received his early education at the Pengkalan Batu Malay School in Klang in 1934. In 1936 he furthered his studies at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar until 1941 when World War II began. After World War II, he went to England in 1947 and studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London for two years.
Upon his return from the United Kingdom, he served with the Civil Service Department as a Trainee Officer with the Selangor Survey Department. He later served as an Inspector of Schools for eight years.
In 1952, he attended a short-term course at the Malay Military Troop in Port Dickson for six months and was commissioned with the Queen Commission in the rank of captain. Thereafter, he was promoted to the rank of major.
Setem Belimbing Besi

Pokok Belimbing Besi merupakan tumbuhan yang menghasilkan buah yang boleh dimakan. Buah ini banyak terjual di pasar-pasar termasuk pasar tani, dan pasar sayur. Nama sainsnya Belimbing besi adalah Averrhoa carambola, Averrhoaceae atau Oxalidaceae. Dalam bahasa Inggeris, belimbing besi dikenali sebagai starfruit.
Belimbing besi merupakan tumbuhan asli Sri Lanka dan popular seluruh Asia Tenggara. Warna buah adalah hijau sehingga kuning keemasan dan apabila dipotong secara melintang menonjolkan bentuk bintang.
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